
We Don't Beat In Sync

Friday I went to the doctors for what was supposed to be the official first check up for me and Bubley. I was a little taken back because she said that I do not get an ultra sound. Apparently insurance companies will pay for two ultrasounds unless there is some suspected danger to mom or baby. When I asked her if we could do one she said only if we cannot pick up the heart beat. I'll definitely be calling my insurance to verify this. I was so disappointed I didn't get to see the little dancing bean.

She put the little Doppler probe on my belly and picked up the heart beat almost instantly. At first I thought it was my own however I could feel my own heart beating through my chest and definitely could tell this was Bubley's beating completely out of sync from my own. It was very fast. My husband was with me and even banked the beat of the heart in his memory. He did this because our doctor refuses to tell us the BPM because every baby beats differently and may be out of range of normal but still might produce a healthy baby.

Pretty much I'm normal with everything. My husband was so excited and couldn't keep contained anymore. He spilled the beans to six members of his family including his mom. She took the news as we expected. She was elated at the prospects of having her first grandchild in 7 months. We were able to express our concerns about the risks of miscarriage while we're still early in the game. She was very positive though. She called us the next day and made sure that I was resting. That was sweet that she checked in. My sister in law was extremely happy but then she got mad we didn't tell her earlier. But she didn't hold it much against us. :) This will be her first niece/nephew. And after I told her she had a hankering suspicion that I was pregnant. Not sure how she knew. I'm still not sure when I'm going to tell my family. I think when I'm 13 weeks on March 10th I'll feel more comfortable since I'll be in the second trimester.

I'll be calling Monday for my first trimester screening. This is where they asses risks for all sorts of diseases and conditions. I'm scared for this but as my husband reassured me, its better to know in advance so that we can prepare ourselves down the road if we had to care for a child with special needs. At least I'll get to see my baby in a few weeks.

Well that's the news for now.


Filling in the Blanks

It's been a few weeks since my day at the ER. Since then I've taken at least twelve vials of blood, and had two additional ultrasounds and was put on prometrium, a form of progesterone since I was borderline normal, twice a day at 6wks1day and was told to stop at 10wks1day. I've so far had enough confidence to name this tiny little human Bubley after the image of my first ultrasound resembling a bubble. My husband I seem to have a weird affliction with nicknames that begin with B. I've also been able to at least get a name list started so people could vote on their favorites. Though I never sent this to family and only sent to 1 friend. For some reason I want the name to be a secret. My addiction to the September 2009 birth club on Baby Center has also been a recent obsession which I really should rid my self of. But they've been pretty loyal on voting. :)

According to my second ultrasound Dr. Sanders ob/gyn estimated Bubley's due date at September 8, 2009. Immediately after receiving the news I dreamed of being labor on 9/8 and trying to hold the baby back until midnight so I can technically have a baby on 9/9/9. I dreamt 10 years later when little Bubley celebrates his 10th birthday on 9/9/19 that everyone will just think he/she is the coolest kid ever.
The last few weeks I've dealt with battles of nausea unlike any other. It really sucks but at the same time I feel glad to have had symptoms. My house has remained a mess since I'm unable to do any physical activties until my second trimester. Though my husband has been a tremendous help to me. He's just not quite as domestically trained as me.

Today I have my third ultrasound at 9wks 1day. This is considered my first real check up since the other ones were related to my emergency visit. Though this will be the third time I've met with Dr. Sanders. She has a very strong personality and is not really inept in bedside manner. Today at least I will try and have my husband charm her into being more friendly instead of matter of fact.

I have to admit the person I've wanted to keep the pregnancy from the most is my husbands mother. She is the sweetest person ever and she's asked us a million times when she's going to have her first grandbaby. I just never wanted her to deal with a loss of something so important. It was just better for her not to know until the second trimester has started; 3 weeks from yesterday. My husband is dying to give her the news if today's ultrasound looks promising.

I will write later on the findings that I am so anxiously awaiting.

Sub Chorionic Drama

After being diagnosed with pregnancy via a stick I peed on, a day later I had a tragic wave of blood wash between my legs while at work. While earlier in the morning I thought it had been weird feeling period cramps. I thought for sure, I'm having a miscarriage and this baby is just not meant to be. I should have never found out I was pregnant. Immediately I went to the Little Company of Mary emergency room at 2pm. DH sat with me for 5 hours before being seen. Around the 2 hour mark of waiting I kept telling my husband I didn't care and I just wanted to leave. I was sure I was having a miscarriage and I just wanted to be at home. I had so many waves of emotion going through me. Around the 3 hour mark of waiting (apparently they were abnormally busy that day) I began to cry. I tried hiding the tears in my husband's overstuffed down jacket but it was useless. A man sitting across from us walked over to me and handed me a tissue. He said, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this while your sick. I've been waiting here since 1pm. Just keep your head up and you'll get through it." That little touch of humanity made me perk up, suck it up, and wait the rest of my time at least without tears.

At 6pm I was ushered into the back room to be examined by the ER physician. He was ultra nice and had wonderful bedside manner. He asked me my pain level which was actually non existent. He sounded hopeful. The nurse drew some blood and then they took be to get an ultrasound. Erie silence was all I heard from the technician. I asked, "do you see anything in there?" Still nothing. Finally she finished up with me and turned the monitor around for me to see, still in silence. I noticed a black blob amongst some white grainy background. I knew nothing about what I was looking at.

They put me in one of the rooms of which were in high demand that day. It made me feel slightly
special. Only to learn I had to do a pelvic exam. Finally the same ER physician came in. In a slightly reserved but optimistic candor he showed me a picture of the ultrasound and said your hcg hormone levels are normal and we see a tiny tear called a sub chorionic hematoma. The tiny little black blob he said was the baby's sac. There was no embryo seen but I had all the signs of a healthy pregnancy....so far.

Despite my rule of not wanting to declare my pregnancy to anyone until the danger zone of the first trimester has passed, I've so far managed to tell quite a few people. My boss and his boss found out because I had to be on bedrest. So far they have been very supportive and excited. I told my two best friends, of course my husband, my mom, three coworkers that already suspected me of being pregnant, and some pregnant girl I ran into in the hallway at work. Oh and another pregnant girl in the kitchen at work. I'm sure there are more people I've told, or inferred to. Ugh.

My next appointment was for Monday after 5 days of bedrest.