
You Take the High Road, I'll Take the Low Road

I haven't blogged since October! Well I'm back and hopefully I can blog more regularly now that I've resigned from my job. Yeah that's right. I'm no longer with WB ! I put in my notice of resignation on Monday evening. I was so nervous to hit the send button. It was as if I were staring at a cross road and if I hit the send button a whole new branch would emerge in my life. As I wrote my resignation letter I tried to imagine two branches each taking me to a completely different life. For a while I thought what if the resignation branch leads me to a 40 something chain smoking parent of six living in a silver dome in the trailer park barely functioning off food stamps. But then I think of the other branch which leads me down the path to a 40 something with a single 10 year old child that hates me and calls her nanny mom and me hating every second of my life because my boss has it in for me and silly me I bought a house I couldn't afford and I'm stuck in my job. whew! Okay so the choice was sort of clear. I could be miserable, stuck in a job, and potentially have a child that doesn't know me but I'd rather have a few children and happy and poor.

But fortunately with my new 'stay at home mom' status I can afford to put my entrepeurial skills to work. I definitely have a desire not to be broke so that will be my starting motivation. I already have three businesses that I've thought of and one has been in business for almost 10 years now. I feel so lucky having a husband that believes in me and also sees the benefit of me staying at home with our daughter. Its just a happy decision anyway you look at it. Though my house hunt will be delayed for a few years, I am definitely willing to pay the price for waiting.

So come to find out my two bosses actually weren't surprised at all and were quite supportive of my decision. whew! And I stressed out for nothing. I tend to do that. I should work on that. At least for the sake of my child. I'd hate to have two of us in the house sweating the small stuff. I will have to go back sometime in the new year and give my 'former' co-workers and bosses a visit. They said they really wanted to see the baby. She'll be four months then. Wow time flies.