
Into the Wild

January 9th marks a somewhat special date for me. It was on this date in 2009 that I went snowshoeing. Big whoop some might say but for me it was my first time snowshoeing...while pregnant! Now don't get all panicky. I was blissfully unaware of the little sesame seed that was growing in my belly. A few days after returning from my trip I felt this horrible sickness in my stomach and on January 13th the sickness was confirmed to be due to pregnancy! I immediately felt horrible that I had unknowingly gone snowshoeing while pregnant. All the foreseeable'what if's' went through my head. From the point of finding out I was pregnant I vowed to walk on egg shells. In retrospect I probably didn't have to.

Fast forward to one year later with a happy, healthy, beautiful, unbelievably peaceful baby (sorry had to brag) I felt it was time to venture off into the wild again. I purchased an Ergo baby carrier at the recommendation of the Baby Wearing Mamma's board on Baby Center. And signed up for a hike with the Sierra Club's Little Hikers. Now I know plenty of places to hike but I love hiking in groups and they accommodated kids. 

So on January 9, 2010 me, my husband, and my daughter all ventured into the hills of Malibu on the famous M*A*S*H hike. That morning I excitedly strapped on my hiking boots which mind you were last worn exactly one year ago on my snow shoeing trip (who knew I'd become pregnant!). I felt no anxiety at all taking my baby out in to nature. To me being in nature is like breathing air. Fresh air.   My husband on the other hand had a lot of apprehensions but finally 4 months after her birth he felt comfortable enough to "risk it". 

The hike was beautiful, lined partially by a slow moving creek, large oak trees, a few redwoods, and surprisingly green hills! I suppose two days of rain had helped. I strapped on my baby in the new Ergo and it was surprisingly comfortable. Though my husband offered to carry her, I felt like the extra 13 odd pounds of weight would help me with my "lose the baby weight" fitness goal. As avid backpackers BC (that is before children), having the right weight distribution was important and Ergo seemed to keep the baby close, put the weight on my hips, and keep my shoulders from aching. All in all we did an 8 mile hike and the only thing sore were my feet from my "unbroken" in boots. I actually also purchased a Beco Butterfly II at the recommendation that it fits petite women better however it was horrible in my opinion for a five + hour front carry. 

It was today that I finally felt like my old self and not the frenzied, frantic, flabby, saggy, lack of sleep, new mom that I was. 

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