
Today Was Extra Special

We've been trying to get pregnant since our wedding night without any luck. We went back and forth; maybe we weren't meant to have kids...to....there's no way that we were not going to go without having a kid. Finally late 2006 we decided that it was time to go to the doctor to figure out what was up. We got poked, prodded, and tested. We found out after a very uncomfortable HSG X-ray that my right tube was blocked. The doc put us on Clomid and we tried that for six months. Still nothing.

In 2007 I started a new job, and was still not pregnant. Kept trying and trying. We decided that in 2009 we would pursue more aggressive fertility treatment options such as insemination and in-vitro fertilization. I ended up getting my referral for a fertility clinic on December 30th. My DH (darling husband) and I were excited to move forward and finally realize our dreams of having children. I was doubly excited at the prospects of potentially having twins so that I wouldn't have to go through the procedures again.

I decided that on January 9th I would call the fertility clinic to set up my first appointment. Yesterday I was expressing my concerns to my best friend about my growing, swollen, and super tender breasts, feeling slightly weird, and a period that hadn't come in two months (which is actually not out of the ordinary for me.) She demanded that I take a pregnancy test that night. So by the end of the day I was craving mushrooms, tons and tons of mushrooms. So I went to Ralph's and bought the ingredients for an awesome Mushroom soup (click here for my recipe). I wasn't going to take the pregnancy test because I really didn't want to spend the money on something I knew would be negative. But somehow I found myself in the feminine needs aisle with my friends persistent voice in my head. I purchased the two pack generic pregnancy tests since I thought well since I know I'm not pregnant I'll get two tests as they are cheaper per unit and at least if I'm curious of pregnancy in the future I can have a test on hand. I put them in the bathroom when I came home and forgot all about them until this morning. I did not tell my DH that I purchased them.

This morning I did my business and held the little plastic strips under my stream for 10 seconds. Three minutes later a solid line appears and a fainter line crossing it. I re-read the directions...it can't be true! According to the directions it was...it is! I called my DH into the bathroom to verify the results. We both hugged each other for a moment and he proclaimed, "I told you so!" For about one month now he's had a suspicion that I was carrying our child.

Tonight I will be going to the store and buying a more expensive test...the kind that actually say yes or no. I will re-test in the morning. I am hoping that my excitement is not in vain.

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